Our Fellowship Programs

At the Durham Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, our Sunday morning programs are a cornerstone of our community, reflecting our commitment to diverse perspectives and meaningful engagement. Join us each Sunday from 10 – 11:00 AM near downtown Durham, as we explore a rich tapestry of insights and connections.

If you are searching for greater meaning, and connection to community, please join us Sundays from 10 – 11:00 AM, followed by a coffee hour with conversation and refreshments. We meet the first Sunday after Labor Day through the last Sunday in May, and hold our annual picnic during May.

What to expect?

During the first hour enjoy music, the sharing of joys and concerns, and unique, community-based programs with local speakers, artists, musicians, civic and spiritual leaders. All programs include time set aside for participant comments, questions and discussion. The program is followed by an opportunity to collaborate and socialize over coffee and snacks.

Exploring Diverse Perspectives

As a lay-led congregation, our Sunday services are a dynamic fusion of voices. From clergy representing various faiths to speakers from academic, civic, environmental, and social justice backgrounds, our programs embrace a wide spectrum of perspectives. This diversity enhances our understanding of the seven principles of Unitarian Universalism, guiding us in the pursuit of wisdom, spirituality, and impactful daily actions.

A Haven for Friendship and Connection

Our fellowship goes beyond spiritual exploration; it’s a haven for friendship, connection, and shared values inspired by Unitarian principles. Experience a safe and inclusive environment that encourages genuine connections, community events, and a profound sense of belonging. Despite our modest exterior, our interior boasts a beautiful sanctuary, gifted by the Marjorie Milne Estate.

Enriching Families and Children

One of our primary goals is to enrich individuals and families with young children. We provide a space where children can learn from their elders, explore spiritual topics, and understand the importance of inclusivity, equity, and justice.

Welcoming All Voices

We seek to be a place where each person’s unique worth and beliefs are acknowledged and respected, and where each person’s voice may be heard. Committed to providing a welcoming and safe space for all, we recognize the valuable perspectives of our LGBTQIA+ communities and allies.

Community Engagement

Beyond the sanctuary, our fellowship is a hub for community involvement. We prioritize sustainability within our sanctuary, creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere for all. Guided by the principle of “respect for the interdependent web of all existence,” we actively participate in local charitable efforts. From fundraising and volunteering to providing community support, we extend our principles into tangible actions.

Upcoming Services

May 5 – Reflections in Seaglass – Rev. Mary Doane

 “You can stumble across the small pieces of beauty, wisdom and truth that surround us all the time, but to find them in earnest takes training and intentionality.”

May 12 – Unitarian Universalist Flower communion: History & Celebration. Sylvia Foster

The creator of the Unitarian Universalist Flower Communion wanted the ritual to reflect ideals of community and to invite the acceptance of the beauty of diversity found in the natural world and the beauty of all of us as related, yet each unique in myriad ways.

This ritual celebrates Unitarian minister Norbert Capek’s belief in the inherent dignity and worth of every person as well as his purpose of reminding us of the interconnectedness of us all. We will gain insight into his remarkable life and work.

Each of us brings one flower to create our congregation’s bouquet, and each of us takes one flower home.


May 19 – Durham Unitarian Universalist Fellowship – Looking back, Looking forward – Thomas Pistole

This is the last service for this Fellowship year. We begin the new Fellowship year on the first Sunday after Labor Day, which this year will be May 8.